Let’s increase Firefox Market share

With the Andreas Gal’s latest post it is quite clear that we are losing our market share and same can be seen on Wikipedia’s Usage Share Page.

I am a Mozilla Rep. When I joined Mozilla 4 years back, I was literally knowing only three browsers Internet Explorer(thanks to Microsoft), Google Chrome(here due to Android) and Opera Mini(Only browser which uses less data then).
But thanks to the community in Rajasthan which was so much active then, promoting Mozilla and it’s Mission. That was the first time when I get to know about Mozilla Firefox. Firefox is a product which is the core of Mozilla, this is what I believe and assume other volunteers,mozillians and Reps Share the same.

Today, Firefox is mainly used by Mozilla volunteers and few engineers that to are losing faith in it due to compatibility issue and other problems.To name a few, Hangout call is not supported by Firefox, which we use more often for our monthly meeting in India. So what we could do is, create a campaign just like Firefox Nightly and Rain of Rust to promote the use of Firefox, where we will introduce this browser to the students which are still unaware of the browser, which you may agree too.

We are a country with a population of over 1.311 billion where 315 million are students, if we could target those and industry people. This will definitely increase our market share.

I agree that Firefox sometimes doesn’t behave well and we lack other support too which is available in other browsers. I also see a great opportunity for us to make this browser more advanced and easy to use.We want a browser which we love. During this campaign, we will be collecting lots of feedback and suggestions and how you want this browser for yourself. Then we will share these reports with Mozilla staff and help them to create a browser which people love.

I would love to know your feedback and suggestion regarding this campaign as well as any correction will be appreciatable.

Please follow this topic on discourse for more updates

Mozilla Rep
Mozilla Firefox User