GirlScript Summit 2017

Event page :

Everything started with the Auth0 Ambassador program, got to know more about Auth0 and it is the community which is growing day by day.

Got an invitation as a speaker , before flying to the venue , got to know that one of the auth0 ambassador was also coming as a speaker, it was Chathu Vishwajith from Colombo, Sri Lanka. He had a talk regarding Serverless and Webtask.

My talk was related to Web Security and how we can help developers to build a safer



After my talk , participants asked many question regarding Auth0,Authenticaion and the main highlight was Passwordless.

There was hackathon running parallel to the conference, where we set-up a booth of Auth0, special thanks to Diego Poza and Chathu Vishwajith in helping me to set-up the booth.

We were expecting few visitors, but to my surprise most of the participants came to our booth asking about Authentication and Auth0. Chathu and I were helping participants solve their issues. It was really a best experience helping them.


First day was concluded with an awesome pic.


Auth0 Ambassador and Mozillians at GirlScriptSummit 2017


Second day we went for sightseeing and after coming back to the event location, I was surprised to meet M.Tech students waiting for me to know more about auth0. There is a group of students who are doing M.Tech and their specialization is Cyber Security. We had a healty discussion and came to know that they wanted to do a project using auth0. And the faculty member of those students invited me to their college for the same talk in their college. Looking forward to it… 🙂

When I came back to my town , few of the journalist who were covering the trip wanted to know more about the conference in detail. [ come back to this place , will update the actual interview when published in newspapers ]

Also got two invitations as a speaker after this talk 🙂 , very much excited to spread the message of Identity