Virtual Reality @ Hackfest, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad

HackFest is IIT(ISM) Dhanbad’s 36-hour annual hackathon organized by the Computer Science and Engineering Society (CSES) and ACM Student Chapter, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.

The event started with an introduction of speakers. Prathamesh, Umesh, and Shahbaz ( yep it’s me ), since we had limited time with us. So it was a quick talk-demo-workshop.


Prathamesh started with his favorite virtual girlfriend story to explain the concept of  Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. After a long and tiring hackathon, the audience seems interested and was into it.


I talked about the basics of WebVR, why we brought the VR on Web and what are their advantages. Used Kevin’s presentation for explaining the concept in details with his amazing presentation (

After explaining what WebVR is, we asked participants to visit and remix the hello world example on


Due to the limited amount of time, participants couldn’t finish their idea. So we gave them a contest, where top 5 scenes will get a surprise gift from us.

And here comes, what we love most. After event photograph with the participants.


We will be seen together soon in IIT-BHU.


Footprints 2018

WebMR is a new technology which is in its initial stages. WebMR was the thing which has brought a huge participation at Baroda.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for us. Event started with a brief introduction of the speakers. Prathamesh Chavan and I talked about our love to open source.

Prathamesh talked about the differences of WebVR WebAR and WebMR. His way of relating things to virtual girlfriend has brought a new spark in attendees.



I talked about basics of Virtual reality and why we have brought the VR on Web. And how easy it is to code and experience the same.


Lunch time, we went to Nosh Farmaiye, best place in town for chicken kebabs. Must place to visit when you’re in town.


After the lunch we started the hand-on session of WebVR . And to do so nothing is better than a hello world example. We have used glitch to live demo the scenes.

First day concluded with the prize distribution to the top 5 teams.


Second day started with WebAR, I explained the differences and similarities in AR and VR. Here again started with hello world example using hero marker.
And talked about new features of AR and VR.

Definitely one day we would do a full session on WebMR.

Mozilla Contribution – 2017 : Thanks to Mozilla and Mozillians

Year started with the #PrivacyMonth Campaign an initiative to support digital privacy by Mozilla India. Actively participated in offline/online event and have created a profile changer for privacymonth.

Invited to be a part of MakerFest’17 where I mostly talked about WebVR and Privacy in general . Event page

Get involved with Mozilla Reps Program and became an official mozilla rep : . Also I regularly attended 22 Reps Calls after becoming Mozilla Rep.

Organized and attended following events to bring community closer and focus on a particular active area of contribution.

  1. Maker Fest 2017 –
  2. Jaipur Test Pilot Meetup –
  3. MozActivate MITS –
  4. MozCoffee Jaipur –
  5. A-Frame Hacknight India –
  6. India Uses FxNightly –
  7. Rust Hack Jaipur-
  8. Jaipur Uses FxNightly –
  9. RainOfRust Campaign –
  10. A-frame bug fixing contest –
  11. MozCoffee Ranchi –
  12. MozAarambh Jharkhand Rai University –
  13. Firefox 57 Sprint Ranchi –
  14. WebVR India monthly calls –
  15. WebVR Camp @ JRU –
  16. MozCoffee Ranchi 2.0 –

Actively participated in Firefox Nightly campaign and also developed profile changer for the same campaign which is used by more than 300 people. Also organized Jaipur Uses Firefox Nightly where participants learned about the nightly browser and ways to contribute to it.

Moved to a new city,Ranchi, leaving Mozilla Community Rajasthan. Now I’m a volunteer at Mozilla Jharkhand Community. Organised many events and interacted with almost all the participants to know the problems of the community, which I talked about in my blogs.

Overall , the year was very much happening for me. Loking forward to contibue the same in 2018.

Happy new year


Your personal data is at risk from companies that want to make more money from advertising. Here’s how to reclaim your privacy

There’s no real way to avoid using Google, but it’s a little bit terrifying how much data the company collects on us, and how much information you can give away yourself. Fortunately , Google provides plenty of tools to help you regain control. We’ll take you through them.

  1. Restrict Google Login
  2. You can remove access to any app or service through the account dashboard
  3. Stop Google tacking you
  4. Delete what Google already knows
  5. Stop Advert Tracking
  6. Browsing anonymously with a vpn

Facebook is similar to Google in the amount and type of data that it collects, using your profile information to serve targeted ads. With so many of us having Facebook accounts , it’s frightening how much information is available to the service.

  1. Restrict facebook login
  2. Review Historical Access
  3. Limit Data Use
  4. Prevent Advert tracking
  5. Lock Down Sharing settings
  6. Whatsapp and the privacy nightmare

Microsoft+Windows 10

  1. Amend Windows 10 Basic Settings
  2. Block more with spybot anti-beacon
  3. check camera and microphone settings
  4. Control Speech, inking, & typing settings
  5. updating location settings
  6. How to lock down other services




Maker Fest 2018

Makerfest has been a place to explore and learn from all the makers and collaborators. This is my 2nd consecutive year as Volunteer from Mozilla India. This time I was there to represent Auth0 and talk about its service.

I joined the Mozilla booth for the WebVR session, a joint session taken by Prathamesh and me. We talked about the Virtual Reality on Web and played with the sample codes. Not to forget the VR experience provided to the attendees.

Doing good is part of our code.


It was a wonderful event, happy to come back next year again.

For detail report of this event, please follow Mehul’s blog

This is how the booth looked.
